The tale of Somashrava - adapted from the lesser known tales from within the Mahabharata

 The Cursed King and the Serpent's Son

Janamejaya, the son of Parikshit, the young king of Hastinapura, was worried about a curse that had been received during a sacrifice being conducted recently. It threatened to consume his life and those of his loved ones and the kingdom. Desperate for redemption, he embarked on a quest to find a priest who could counteract the curse and guide him towards salvation.

His search led him to a secluded hermitage, where he met Shrutashrava, a wise sage. His son, Somashrava, was renowned for his ascetic lifestyle and deep knowledge of the scriptures. Janamejaya, recognizing Somashrava's potential, pleaded with Shrutashrava to allow his son to become his priest.

Shrutashrava agreed, but with a caveat. "Somashrava is a great ascetic, but he was born from a serpent that had swallowed my life-giving liquids," he explained. "He can absolve you of all sins except those committed against Mahadeva. However, he has a secret vow: if a Brahmana asks for anything from him, he always gives it away."  

Janamejaya, determined to overcome his curse, accepted Somashrava's condition. He returned to Hastinapura with his new priest and instructed his brothers to follow Somashrava's guidance without question.

Under Somashrava's tutelage, Janamejaya's kingdom flourished. His brothers, inspired by the priest's wisdom and selflessness, underwent a transformation. Together, they embarked on a campaign to conquer the neighbouring kingdom of Takshashila, which they successfully achieved.

The tale of Somashrava: The Serpent’s embrace 

In the heart of a dense, ancient forest, nestled amidst towering trees and winding rivers, lived a sage named Shrutashrava. Renowned for his wisdom and asceticism, he spent his days meditating in a secluded hermitage. One evening, as he sat in deep contemplation, a celestial serpent, shimmering with iridescent scales, slithered into his abode.

The celestial serpent, a guardian of the forest, had been watching Shrutashrava for a long time, drawn to his purity of heart and spiritual devotion. She revealed to him that she was destined to become his wife and bear him a child. Shrutashrava, though surprised, accepted her proposal with reverence.

The serpent, named Tryasti, transformed into a beautiful woman and lived with Shrutashrava for many years. They were filled with love and harmony, and their child, Somashrava, was born under the watchful gaze of the forest spirits.

From the moment of his birth, Somashrava was different. He had a peculiar affinity for nature, and the animals of the forest seemed to recognize him as one of their own. As he grew older, he developed a deep connection with the serpent realm, often spending hours conversing with the snakes that slithered through the undergrowth.

When Somashrava learned of his unusual parentage, he was both intrigued and a little apprehensive. He wondered how the other villagers would react to a boy born of a serpent. But his parents reassured him, teaching him to embrace his unique heritage.

One day, while exploring the forest, Somashrava stumbled upon a cave in which he discovered a group of celestial serpents who had come to visit his mother. 

The serpents welcomed Somashrava as one of their own, sharing their knowledge and wisdom with him. They revealed to him the true nature of his birth, explaining that he was destined to become a powerful mediator between humans and serpents.

With this newfound understanding, Somashrava returned to his village, determined to use his abilities to protect both humans and serpents. He became a respected sage, known for his compassion and his ability to resolve conflicts peacefully. And though he never forgot his serpent mother, he lived a life of harmony and fulfilment, bridging the gap between two worlds.

As Somashrava grew into a young man, his serpent mother, Tryasti, felt it was time for her to return to the Nagaloka, the realm of the serpents. Before she left, she summoned her son to her.

"My beloved Somashrava," she said, her voice filled with love and a touch of sadness, "the time has come for me to depart. But know that I will always watch over you."

Tryasti then placed her hands on Somashrava's head and bestowed upon him a celestial blessing. A shimmering light enveloped him, and he felt a surge of power and serenity.

"This blessing," Tryasti said, "will ensure that you lead an ascetic life, free from worldly desires. It will also grant you the ability to absolve the sins of humans, no matter how grave they may be."

With a final embrace, Tryasti vanished, leaving Somashrava with a profound sense of purpose. He knew that his mother's blessing was a sacred trust, and he vowed to use his abilities to help others.

As Somashrava continued his spiritual journey, he became known for his wisdom and compassion. People from far and wide sought his guidance, seeking solace and absolution for their sins. And though he missed his mother dearly, he found comfort in knowing that her blessing was always with him.

A Tale of Reincarnation and Divine Purpose

In a previous life, Tryasti, a celestial serpent of immense power, had been deeply devoted to Lord Shiva. Her devotion was so profound that she was granted a boon: to be reborn as a human and fulfill a sacred mission.

Tryasti chose to be reborn as the wife of the sage Shrutashrava. In this incarnation, she would give birth to Somashrava, a son destined to play a crucial role in the cosmic drama of Mahadeva.

Unknown to Somashrava, his soul carried the memories of his celestial past. As he grew, he felt an inexplicable connection to the serpent realm and a deep reverence for Lord Shiva. This connection was not merely a coincidence but a manifestation of his divine purpose.

Mahadeva, the cosmic dancer and destroyer of ignorance, had orchestrated Somashrava's rebirth to serve a higher purpose. He wanted Somashrava to become a bridge between the human and divine realms, a mediator who could help humanity overcome its spiritual darkness.

As Somashrava's story unfolded, he became increasingly aware of his celestial past and his connection to Tryasti. He realised that his ability to absolve sins was not merely a gift but a divine responsibility.

One day, while meditating in the Himalayas, Somashrava had a vision of Tryasti, her serpent form shimmering with celestial light. She revealed to him that the truth of his origins and the cosmic plan that had brought them together required him to step away from the confines of his father’s ashram and step outside into the real world of human beings. This was his future. Someone would come in search of him and would ask for his help and guidance. 

"You are not merely a human, Somashrava," Tryasti said. "You are a divine spark, a messenger of Mahadeva. Your mission is to help humanity find its way back to the light."

With a newfound understanding of his purpose, Somashrava dedicated himself to his spiritual journey. He became a beacon of hope for countless souls, guiding them towards enlightenment and liberation.

And so, the tale of Somashrava, the boy born of a celestial serpent, became a testament to the interconnectedness of all things and the divine plan that governs the universe.

Bharat Bhushan

Sourced and adapted from the lesser known tales within the Mahabharata

16 October 2024

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